Coping with Record Snow at Mosaic Commons in Central Mass

In response to a “how are you coping out there with snow and cold temps,” Diana Carroll at Mosaic Commons in Central Massachusetts, where they’ve gotten more snow than anytime in recorded history, writes:

Well, logistically it has been quite challenging, of course. Our snow plow company has been working absurdly hard to keep us excavated but we’ve pretty much run out of places to put the snow…and the cars and everything else.
We have a member in our community who volunteers as the Snow Queen — she communicates with the plow company, tells us when it is time to move our cars so they can clear out spaces, and rallies people to help neighbors out who might need help clearing and moving their cars. This is her first year doing the job, but she’s hit it out of the park so far.

It’s definitely been a team effort — clearing cars, shoveling walkways, trying to keep the snow on the roofs back from the windows, etc.

What strikes me this year just as in prior years when we’ve had snow, power outs and other weather related challenges is how awesome it is to live in cohousing. Being snowed in for prolonged periods would feel isolating at best, or even downright dangerous, if we were all living out here in exurbia in single-family homes…but instead snow days are a chance to come together to work together, hang out in the common house, share meals and have fun.

So..snow days are fun…but still…most of us are pretty ready for an end to this extreme winter and return to our normal lives.

Category: stories from the trenches


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